Our network

There are 30 member nations in the JA Alumni Europe network, each of them organising their own alumni activities. 

A huge annual conference, monthly meetups, engaging workshops, inspiring talks from successful entrepreneurs… you name it, we’ve got it!

Explore our 4 pillars


All JA Alumni went through
a unique JA journey. Within the network, opportunities meet relations, and friendships and partnerships are created!

Career Growth

JA introduced us all to the growth mindset. The alumni network is the way to elevate your career, explore your skills, and empower yourself to move forward!

Leadership Development

We take matters into our own hands and lead by example. Through mentorships, workshops, and taking action, we nurture the next generation of leaders.

Accelerating Entrepreneurs

Turning ideas into reality, building your mini-company into a proper business. Through the activities and opportunities within Accelerating Entrepreneurs, we build the future of Alumni Entrepreneurs.

What do the alumni say?

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